The plants in the back yard show us
Springtime inspires me. Seeing the leaves and blooms make their way out of the ground, or from seemingly dead plants reminds me that the earth is alive, and that people are just a part of the larger organism. We can arrange trees, bushes and flowers as we please, and use them as accents in our property, but plants were around before humans, and will come up from the earth long after we’re gone.
Wisteria is flamboyant when in bloom, but it has very humble beginnings. Don’t let this fool you; wisteria will take over the world. (The cat in the background is Tom Cat, and he’s one of the characters in my soon-to-be released novelette, Carmela’s Outside.)
Esperanza is another very showy plant. Her leaves and blooms continuously come out, so there are almost always tiny fresh leaves and buds. This was our cat, Cleo’s favorite bush to hide under.
I have never had much luck with Aloe vera, but these are letting me know that they’re with me for the long haul.
The Aloe vera shows us that it can come back amidst the mess and pieces of yesterday’s ending.
Aloe vera says that it will not be contained to a square picture.
Vegetables, because plants can feed us, not just decorate our yard.