Chemn Cafe

I was over at the Chemn Cafe the other day. (The poor dear, I hate to tell her she spelled it wrong.) Anyway, so I'm sitting there minding my own business, enjoying the latte that the nice young man made for me, when I heard a loud noise. At first I thought somebody was breaking in, but that doesn't make sense because the establishment was open for business. I tried looking out the window, but I couldn't see anything on my side. The people on the other side of the cafe were laughing at something outside, and I can't stand to be left out of a joke, so I went over there to see what was going on. What I saw didn't make any more sense at first than the idea of somebody breaking in to an open door. This poor dog was sitting in the middle of the sidewalk tied to a bench. The bench was also in the middle of the sidewalk. A woman, presumably the dog's owner, was trying to untie the dog from the bench while the dog, and the bench, kept moving. Turns out the lady had tied the dog in the first place so she could stop in to the thrift store next door (they always have the nicest things) and the dog decided that he didn't want to deal with separation, so he just followed her along, dragging the cast iron bench behind him as if nothing were any different. I have to say that she looked pretty sheepish standing there with a bench that wasn't hers being dragged across the sidewalk by a dog that was hers. Fortunately, the nice man from behind the counter went outside to assist with the dog and move the bench back to its rightful place once the dog was untethered.

Like my Aunt Maudine used to say, you really never know what somebody is capable of. If a person (or dog) wants something bad enough, they'll find a way. Aunt Maudine herself is a good case in point. She really wanted a lake house on the other side of Austin. She thought about it; she hung pictures of the lake on her refrigerator so she'd see it every time she went to refill her wine glass. Sure enough, a nice man who happened to have a condominium in Austin, asked her to dinner and to make a long story short, Aunt Maudine and her now-husband live on his lakeside property. She gets to wake up every morning and look out at her dream come true. Now she just needs to figure out what to do with the husband. She says he doesn't match the furniture, which is rather disappointing, if you ask me. They just had the house remodeled; why didn't she think of that at the time?

Well, it was good to chat with you. I hope to see you on Main street again. Do stop by Martha's Market. It's a lot of fun to see what people have had lying around their homes for the last half century that they have finally decided to part with. You might even find some old Pyrex glass; I hear those old vintage bowls can be worth a lot of money these days. Have fun and we'll talk with you soon.